Doctor Who 12th Doctor Continues To Receive Diversity Backlash: Will The 13th Regeneration Be The Last?

For many "Doctor Who" fans, Peter Capaldi is that fine actor who will do the 12th Doctor much justice. For others, the lack of diversity continues to strike a sour note for the BBC series.

As many fans have voiced since the 12th Doctor announcement, the lack of a female Doctor or a Doctor who is non-Caucasian continues to be a topic of discussion.

Given the mythology of "Doctor Who," it certainly is baffling that the Doctor has not picked up a female body during regeneration.

And while on that topic, the regeneration limit is also something fans wishing for a black or female Doctor are concerned over. After all, what if "Doctor Who" fans never see a non-white, non-male Doctor?

Neil Gaiman has voiced his opinion on the 12th Doctor as well as the regeneration limit on his Tumblr.

"Well, that was the rule when we had Time Lords running the show. There aren't any Time Lords any more..."

"MY OPINION (which is not canon) is that the regeneration limit is a lot like the speed limit. You can break it, but things get a lot more dangerous if you do. The Time Lords were the traffic cops--they enforced the limit. With them gone, the Doctor can keep regenerating beyond 13, but with consequences."

Regarding a female or a Doctor of minority, Gaiman says he has "no doubt there will be."

"I wouldn't cast a woman as the Doctor yet, and it would absolutely be on my list of things to do in the following regeneration."

So, despite the 12th Doctor not raising the glass ceiling, it seems there is still time for a female or black Doctor to arrive. Just not this time around.

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