Erbie Bowser Shooting Suspect Was Dallas Maverick Cheerleader [VIDEO]; Four Dead, Four Wounded in Horrific Shooting; Reportedly Looking for Ex-Girlfriend

Erbie Bowser is the shooting suspect in a killing spree of four people that also left four injured.  Erbie Bowser was a Dallas Mavericks Maniaacs cheerleader prior to the murders.

Relatives of one of the woman killed in the shooting spree identified the suspect as the woman's ex-boyfriend, Erbie Bowser, a former Dallas Mavericks ManiAAc cheerleader.

Toya Smith, 43, and her 17-year-old daughter Tasmia Allen died in the shooting as did another of her children, who has not yet been identified.  Toya's 14 year old son was taken to the hospital.

Radio station CBSDFW reported that when the gunman did not find the woman at the address, he opened fire. Two people were killed and two others wounded at that address.

Watch Dallas Mavericks Maniaac Cheerleader Video here:

Erbie Bowser is then thought to have gone to a home in DeSoto, Texas and used an explosive device to gain entry.  The was the property of the ex-wife of Erbie Bowser, who hasn't been identified. It is not known if she is one of the victims.

After the explosive detonated, Erbie Bowser allegedly shot several people inside, killing two and injuring two more.

According to Dallas police, the attack only ended when he ran out of ammunition.

WFAA reported that the gunman tried to disguise himself as one of the injured.  He is now being questioned at DPD headquarters.

Reports say that as the suspect was arrested, he kept repeating his name, rank and serial number. Erbie Boswer also reportedly has tattoos identifying him as being in the military.

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