Bruce Willis Expendables 3 No More! Stallone Confirmed With 'Lazy and Greedy' Tweets! Did Willis Rejects Net Worth Millions In Pay?

Bruce Willis is EXPENDABLE! It's confirmed! Willis will no longer be a part of Expendables 3. The twitter world is now making a fuss because of the controversial tweet from Stallone. The third installment of the film is said to be released by August next year.

Following the confirmation that Harrison Ford is replacing Bruce in the film, Stallone made another controversial comment tweeting...

Although Stallone never mentioned Willis on his second tweet, rep of the actor verified to the Huffingtong Post that the statement was really directed towards his former business partner [the two were once business partners].

As if calling a Hollywood actor [with a net worth of $150 million] "lazy" isn't enough, Stallone made even harsher comments by calling the Die Hard actor "greedy" and a "failure".

So, what's with the greedy remarks? A source, who is said to be close to the production, says that Willis rejected the $3 million offer by the management for a four-day work in Bulgaria. According to the source, "He said he'd drop out unless he got $4 million. A million dollars a day. Stallone and everybody else involved said no."

Just 72 hours of quitting, Willis was replaced by Harrison Ford. Source further adds that the instant replacement might actually surprise Willis.

Despite the fiasco going on right now, Willis' CAA reps refused to make any comments at this moment.

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