Snapdragon 800 LG G2 Benchmark Announcement: Impressive Specs Like 5.2 Inch Display, Rear Button On First Commercial Snapdragon

The new Snapdragon 800 LG G2 has just been announced. LG has changed design up-a rear-facing button will be the only one on the phone. This is a

sharp contrast to traditional smartphone design and is a big risk for the company.

That rear button will serve to change the volume or launch the camera or note taking app with a long-press. The center nub functions as the power and wake/sleep button. This locaton, below the camera, is supposedly where users place their index fingers. LG says that this will keep the Snapdragon 800 LG G2  smartphone more stable.

The LG G2 runs the Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 ARM chip.

This will be the first commercially available Snapdragon 800 phone. The quad-core chip is lightning fast-it clocks in at 2.26GHz with an Adreno 330 GPU. 

Other than the blazing-fast chip, the Snapdragon 800 LG G2 raw specs are sizeable as well. There will be a big 5.2-inch 1080p IPS LCD, an optically stabilized 13 MP camera, and 2GB of ram.

The 13MP camera is an upgrade on those like in Samsung Galaxy S4, which don't utilize optical image stabilization.

The screen will be super-thin. Not only is it 1080p, but a dual connection touch censor will make the screen almost paper-thin. The side bezels are just 0.1 inches wide, creating a full "edge to edge" display. LG touts that the phone will be easier to hold because in relation to the "edge to edge" display it will be narrower.

The phone is only 8.9mm thick, but battery life is expected to be lengthy because the thin LCD panel and new battery technology will let LG fit a sizeable battery in the thin Snapdragon 800 LG G2. The phone will ship with a 3,000mAh li-ion cell. This gives it almost as much battery life as a Samsung Galaxy Note II for battery life that lasts all day.

The phone will run Android 4.2.2, but will have new features like a three-finger swipe gesture to slide through apps, auto-connects to incoming calls if lifted to the head, and other snazzy features.

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