G-Dragon’s Unique Donation to Haiti… FISH FARMS?!

Big Bang's G-Dragon funded the gift of a fish farm to Haiti through YG Entertainment's charity campaign, YG WITH.

YG WITH has been active since 2009, and has been mostly working with charities by donating a percentage of their album and concert ticket sales. YG artists have also been known to participate in the actual aiding of the needy through the YG WITH campaign.

G-Dragon previously supported the building of a school in Nepal through the YG WITH program. This time, he decided to donate a percentage of his earnings from his sold out finale concert for the cause of building fish farms in Haiti.

This particular YG WITH campaign is held with another organization, Good Way With Us, and this campaign is called the "Fish 4 Life Project". Its purpose is to provide Haiti, one of the poorest nations in the world, a way to support itself and grow economically and socially by giving them a means to participate in the global economy.

G-Dragon finished up his world tour concert, 'G-Dragon 2013 World Tour ONE OF A KIND: THE FINAL,' by having two finale concerts at Seoul Olympic Stadium on August 31st and September 1st. Over 20,000 fans gathered to see this grand finale. Needless to say, there were thousands of fans willing to participate in the YG WITH campaign. The booth that was set up for the YG WITH campaign was full of people.

The booth sold and gave away G-Dragon autographed materials, concert DVD's, and YG Secret Goods (not available for purchase elsewhere). Fans who participated paid a small fee that went into the donation for the building of fish farms in Haiti.

Want to participate? You can find them on the crowd-sourced funding site ucanfunding.com by searching for Fish 4 Life Project. They are collecting online donations until September 30th.

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Big Bang
YG Entertainment
