Robin Thicke and Paula Patton Exposed In Exclusive Interview With 'Prestige: Hong Kong' After Cheating Scandal

An exclusive interview with Robin Thicke and Paula Patton is fully exposed by the September issue of Prestige: Hong Kong magazine right after cheating scandal. The couples talk with the publication, gives off the perception that they have an unbreakable bond.

The two stress that they constantly have each other's back when the face hardships in the entertainment industry. Thicke went as far as crediting his actress wife for saving his life.

"I don’t know if I would still be alive in some ways if it wasn’t for Paula. She’s been my rock, my muse, my inspiration and I love her. The whole way," the "Blurred Lines" singer assured.

Patton equally feels the same way about the man she has loved since high school days.

"I’ve been there for his down moments and he’s been there for mine. Life is full of peaks and valleys. Robin has always been a great person to remind me to celebrate now," said the "2 Guns" star. "Even when it looks like I’ve got a role but don’t know for sure, he’s like, “Let’s celebrate!”

Thicke's wife reveals that they have a stronger relationship than just being lovers. Thus, when they have free time chatting or sitting around doing nothing comes easy.

"We watch movies. Just sit and contemplate – we have a house with a bit of a view. Listening to music. Talking about what’s going on in our lives. We’re best friends. We laugh a lot. But that’s our down time," said Patton.

However, they do reveal that they often have to get out of the house due to how hectic their lives can be.

"We love to travel together and travel with our child. Get out of the house. Because our house is a mad house. We don’t have normal jobs. So it’s always a work house," Patton admitted. "Robin makes music at home and my job when I’m not on set always brings people into our home."

Speaking of having a getaway, the two have specific spot where they like to rekindle the magic.

"We love Paris because we had our most romantic endeavors there and we fall in love again every single time," said Thicke. "We love the Caribbean or some of the spots in Mexico, like Baja, California. Whenever we can, we like to get close to some sun and some sand and some fruity drinks with alcohol in them."

Looks like Lana Scolaro, who is accusing Thicke of cheating with her on the night of the VMAs, will have a hard time breaking this union.

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Lana Scolaro
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