Google Glass Price, Release Date, Video, Review: AR Lens Will Be Worth $3.3B In 4 Years, Only 650,000 Glass Wearers Needed To Hit Valuation

Google Glass price is predicted to be pegged at $349, according to Robert Peck of SunTrust Robinson Humphrey, as written in a report by Venture Beat. Peck said that he sees most of the revenue that Google will earn from Glass will be from advertising and that it could be worth $3.3 billion by 2017.

The analyst said that even with that valuation, Google Glass only needs 650,000 wearers to reach that dollar mark. John Koetsier of Venture Beat said that given the interest of the masses on wearable technology, which Samsung is only fueling with a high-profile launch of its smart watch – Samsung Galaxy Gear, three years of Glass sales could exceed the number.

In a research by Forrester a few months ago, it discovered that 12 percent of the U.S. population or 21 million Americans are eager to wear Google Glass or a similar device on a daily basis. The result of the study prompted Sarah Rotman Epps of Forrester to say that “not since Apple’s iPhone debuted in 2007 has a computing device attract as much attention as Google Glass.”

“We have no doubt that in time, Glass will be the next iPhone,” Rotman added.

If that’s the case, the $3.3 billion prediction by Peck could easily be reached. Peck said that the potential ad revenue the search giant will earn from the Glass will come from local search ads as users search for restaurants or cafes, or play with the Google Field Trip app. The app was recently released for the AR lens. It helps Glass users discover local landmarks, galleries, tourist attractions, and more according to Venture Beat.

Early adopters like Robert Scoble, who paid $1,500 for the early adopter version of the Glass said that he’s bullish on the long-term commercial success of the product, Venture Beat reported. The tech influencer is predicting that the commercial price for the Glass will be around $299.

“I’m pretty excited about where Google’s going – I think it will be a product that will stand up for decades as the launch of a new genre,” Scoble said.

“It’s a product that takes us to a new place…right now, this is best-of-breed,” he added.

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