Will Avengers 2 Feature More Female Characters Along With Scarlet Witch? Fans React To James Spader Casting As Ultron Villain

As "The Avengers: Age of Ultron," or Avengers 2, begins rounding out its cast with newcomers like Scarlet Witch and Ultron, some fans have a very specific demand for Joss Whedon.

More female characters.

Joss Whedon, who is famous for portraying female characters with class and equality, only featured one female superhero in "The Avengers": Black Widow. And some fans are hoping that the emergence of Scarlet Witch will pave the way for more female characters in Avengers 2, or perhaps the following film in the franchise.

"Scarlet Witch and her brother Quicksilver are both the children of classic X-Men villain Magneto, and their conversion from terrorist mutant fighters for his Brotherhood to Avengers makes them both interesting and complex," writes XOJane contributor Celeste Mora.

"Scarlet Witch also falls in love with the android Vision while in the Avengers, and their mutant-robot romance has more ups and downs than the angsty, unrequited crush between Hawkeye and Black Widow in the first film. I hope that you will tap into the depth and murkiness in Scarlet's origin, in order to make her a deeper female superhero."

Some potential female superheroes that have been suggested for Avengers 2 and onward include Ms. Marvel, She-Hulk, and Moondragon.

Meanwhile, the most recent Avengers 2 casting news is lighting up the internet, as James Spader will play the villain Ultron.

Since the news, fans are commenting on the casting choice.

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