Oneida Tribe Protests Redskins Name: Indian NationTo Launch Season-Long Campaign Urging Change Of "Bigoted" "Racial Slur"; Congress May Agree

The Oneida tribe will spend the season urging the Washington Redskins to change their name.

The Oneida tribe, an American Indian tribe in Upstate New York, plans to launch an ad campaign on radio stations to change the name many view as offensive and racist. The first ad will air in Washington; the Redskins will host the Philadelphia Eagles there on Monday.

"We do not deserve to be called redskins," Oneida Nation Representative Ray Halbritter Oneida leader says in the ad. "We deserve to be treated as what we are - Americans."

The tribe's ad calls on NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to "stand up to bigotry" by denouncing "the racial slur" in the team's name.

The Oneida Nation isn't alone in their feelings-the Redskins have faced criticism over their name this year.

In May, congressional lawmakers asked the league to consider a name change. Ten members of Congress sent letters to owner of the Redskins, Dan Snyder, and to Goodell asking them to change the name.

Recently, Art Monk, a Washington Hall of Famer, said in an interview that "[If] Native Americans feel like Redskins or the Chiefs or another name is offensive to them, then who are we to say to them 'No, it's not?'"

"More and more Americans are speaking out and saying that it is unacceptable to use hurtful language to describe whole cultures," Halbritter added. "The time has come for a change - one that lives up to the ideals of mutual respect."

Fans are also urged to lobby the NFL at a new website,

NFL Commissioner Goodell was vocally critical of Eagles wide receiver caught making racial slurs; the Oneida Nation ad asks if he won't hold the Redskins to the same standards.

Brian McCarthy, the league spokesman, said in an email that they "respect that reasonable people may have differing views."

"The name from its origin has always intended to be positive and has always been used by the team in a highly respectful manner," McCarthy wrote.

However, the Oneida Nation-and fans throughout the country-disagree.

"As a proud sponsor of the NFL, we are concerned that the NFL's continued use of such an offensive term is undermining its position as a unifying force in America," said Halbritter, Oneida Nation leader. "Using a slur and making a mascot out of our indigenous culture has no place in such a society. We believe that with the help of our fellow professional football fans, we can get the NFL to realize the error of its ways and make a very simple change."

This April, high school students in Cooperstown, N.Y. voted to change their "Redskins" mascot to "the Hawkeyes."

The Oneida Nation, which runs a casino and resort in central New York, donated $10,000 to the school district to help cover new uniforms and other expenses.

Do you think the Redskins name should change? Sound off in the comments below!

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