Google Glass Release Date, Specs, Price, Reviews, Update: App Store For AR Lens To Be Launched 2014, Price Point Estimated At $200-500

Google Glass release date is said to be on the first half of 2014 according to Design Trend. It is rumored to have a price point of $200-500 but this has not been commented upon by Google.

The New York Times has reported that in 2014, Google will be launching a marketplace to provide consumers with Google Glass applications. This has also been affirmed by a Google rep who talked to Marketing Land. The store will be aptly named “Boutique” and will sell a host of applications that can be used with Google Glass. Despite the fact that quite a number of Google Explorers have already purchased Google’s latest technology, New York Times reporter Clive Thompson stated that the app store will not be launched before 2014.

This news has raised many questions one of which comes from Mashable columnist Sam Laird that asks whether the store will be a stand-alone or integrated into Google Play. He also asks what the procedure of getting one’s apps to be sold on the store will be like.

According to Design Trend, there are many developers around the world already working on applications for Google Glass. Zite, which is a news-streaming app is already out for developers and PC Mag reports that it will enable those who have Google Glass to simply read the top 10 current stories as well as favorite topics and trends.

Users will be able to get notifications right through glass making sure that they always have real-time reports on current events.

Design Trend also tells of the ninth app to be approved by Google for their new technology. “Field Trip” is designed to act as a personal tour guide that will bring you alerts and snippets on attractions, landmarks and entertainment centers of your location straight from the internet.

According to Design Trend, Google Glass users will wear the device just as they would glass but this has a small lens included. It allows one to take photos and videos and even share them on the internet without having to get to a computer or smartphone. These options are all listed in front of your eyes and commands are given through voice-recognition technology.

Google Glass set to launch Glass-optimized app store in 2014.

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