Upcoming Android Tablets 2013: New Slates Will Have Longer Battery Life, Thanks To Intel's Haswell Processor

For any tablet user, one of the most annoying situations is when you run out of battery juice right in the middle of an important task. In those instances you will need to look for a power outlet just to charge your tablet for a while. 

Fortunately, Intel has been working on a brand new processor that will be able to save battery.

According to IDG News and Cite World, Intel has started shipping its newest innovation - the Haswell tablet processor. The world-renowned manufacturer claims that this particular processor is able to save up to 50 percent of battery usage, depending on the tasks done through the tablet. 

The report said that the processor would work perfectly for the new Windows OS, which needs enough power to run an entire PC without making the device too bulky. As a result, the development of Haswell processors would definitely make tablets thinner and more power efficient. 

According to IDG News, Intel's Core i3-4012Y processor  "draws as little as 4.5 watts in specific tablet or mobile usage scenarios." 

Both analysts and tech bloggers are already expecting the resurgence of the tablet industry. 

In fact, even some hybrid tablet PCs have acquired the technology. Some of these devices include Lenovo's Yoga 2 Pro and Dell's XPS 12 Haswell Ultrabook. 

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