George Zimmerman In Police Custody For Domestic Dispute; Wife Won’t Press Charges On Trayvon Martin Killer

George Zimmerman, the man everyone wanted to convict for the death of Trayvon Martin, was taken in police custody, this time for a domestic dispute. There won't be an extended trial though, as the wife will not press charges.

According to Lake Mary Police chief Steve Bracknell, as stated in The Orlando Sentinel,  The altercation happened at Shellie's residence and George arrived in his car. Police responded to a 911 call where Shellie Zimmerman, George's wife, stated that George was in his car, holding his gun, provoking Shellie's father to "step closer."

Shellie Zimmerman recently filed for divorce. It was not stated whether this was the cause of the attack. It was apparent, however, that there was a physical altercation between George and Shellie's father. In Shellie's 911 call, it was clearly stated: "He's just threatening all of us with his firearm, and he's gonna shoot us," she said on the call. "He punched my dad in the nose, my dad has a mark on his face, I saw his glasses on the floor. He accosted my father, and took my iPad out of my hand, and smashed it and cut it with a pocket knife."

Despite the altercation, both Shellie and her father refused to press charges, stating there was "no victim, no crime."

Bracknell clarified that Zimmerman is not under arrest, but under "investigative custody." which means he can't leave the scene until police are done investigating.

George has yet to air his own version of the story, and Bracknell points that out, wary of the public's interest: "Keep in mind, this is only her side of the story," Bracknell said.

 (UPDATE: Zimmerman has since been released from "investigative custody")

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