Sarah Palin Twitter Post Declares ‘Bomb Obamacare’; Links Video Calling Affordable Health Care Act a `Death Panel' (Video)

Sarah Palin Twitter followers got a short and direct message about her thoughts on Syria. A few hours before President Obama gave his televised address to the United States about military strikes in Syria, Sarah Palin’s Twitter followers were given an alternative, instead of bombing Syria, the U.S. should “bomb Obamacare.”

Former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin’s Twitter message is designed to inflame the passions of the Tea Party Patriots, who have been calling for the repeal of the health care policy that President Obama pushed through into law.

2008 Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin says America should forget about Syria and "bomb Obamacare." Sarah Palin Twitter post also went up on Facebook and YouTube. reported that Sarah Palin’s Twitter post included a link to a video showing President Obama calling Sara Palin a liar for saying that paying for Obamacare equals the funding of “death panels.” Notable mouthpieces for the left, such as Keith Olbermann and Ed Schultz, are also shown mocking Sarah Palin the video. Liberals point to a report that was found on Politifact that called the labeling of Obamacare as a death panels as being “the lie of the year” for the year 2009.

Some well-known liberals such as Paul Krugman and Howard Dean have since come out in support of aspects of the points of Sarah Palin’s Twitter post, leaving right-leaning media to say that Sarah Palin has since been vindicated. Krugman and Dean have admitted that the affordable health care plan is actually a health-care rationing regulation. The video clip linked to the Sarah Palin Twitter post shows Krugman and Dean saying that Sarah Palin actually correct in her assessment. They point to the fact that the Independent Payment Advisory Board, a government panel that may determine some Medicare payments rates, does decide who is worthy of health care and who’s not. A lot of Democrats have also asked that the Senate repeal this particular aspect of the Affordable Care Act.

Sarah Palin resigned as governor of Alaska in July 2009, eight months after the 2008 presidential election. Republicans have been eroding President Obama's healthcare plan by defunding it.

Sarah Palin’s Twitter link isn’t actually true though, the Independent Payment Advisory Board is expressly banned from rationing health care. The provision Sarah Palin is referring to is in an early version of a health reform bill that was stripped from the final version.

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