B.A.P, Debut Album ‘Sold Out’ in 2 Days

B.A.P’s debut album was completely sold out after two days since the first ten thousand of them were released.

TS Entertainment where the group belongs stated on Feb. 8th that “B.A.P’s debut album ‘Warrior’ was completely sold out in just two after it went on sales offline on Jan. 31.”

In an analysis site that gives statistics of album sales volume, the B.A.P ranks 3rd following FT Island and Sweet Sorrow. In the top 10 of the rank, B.A.P is the only new group that is listed and even at Hot Tracks which is the online album sales site, it has ranked first in the ‘Daily Best’ ranking.

One official who is in charge of B.A.P album distribution said, “It’s difficult for a just debuted new group to even order ten thousand volumes, but that it sold out is an amazing record. Orders are pouring in even as of now.”

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