Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V): Game Creator Provides Inside Look At Character Development And Interpretations Of The Game

"Grand Theft Auto" is now the biggest game in the world.Grand Theft Auto V is bound to break records. The game's creator, Dave Houser, sheds light on the game's characters and the interpretations on Grand Theft Auto itself in an interview with The Guardian.

On developing the characters-are they culled from real life? Houser replies: "I hope not! It's a sort of collaborative effort, there's not really a formula. Sometimes you see someone, someone on TV or walking down the street, or you meet someone and you think, 'There's an aspect of this person that's so ridiculous, I just want to capture that'. Or one of the other guys will go, 'I just met this maniac who walks like this!' - and the character will evolve from there. The first thing we speak about might actually get dropped, but it will be the atmosphere, some veneer of over-confidence or some rabid insecurity beneath it - that's what we'll wrap a character around. Or sometimes it will be one of us watching a terrifying documentary about a serial killer, and there will be one thing about him.

Houser understands the significance and possible influence of the game, yet he emphasizes that the GTA story has to be told. However, he would like to leave the interpretations of the game to its players: "Because of the nature of games, this combination of narrative and freeform experience, they can give you an experience that is very different from what someone else discerns - it can mean different things, which I think is their greatest strength as an immersive medium. We're very hands off in that regard, the authorial presence should be hands off in terms of determining interpretation, otherwise it's not remotely sophisticated. But I'm not saying we are sophisticated!"

The Grandest GTA release is on September 17.

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