Park Jin Young, Tiger JK Sing Songs of "Life", "Maturity"

Songs that feature mature views of life are taking over the airwaves.

These songs reveal what the audience already knows to be true about their lives, but Park Jin Young and Tiger JK do it in a way that isn't entirely autobiographical that also allows the listeners to relate.

Park Jin Young's 10th album, Half Time is essentially Park Jin Young's life story. His title song, "I've Played Enough," has lyrics such as "I played enough. I earned enough. I've had my pleasures with sexy women but it was a momentary pleasure, that was it."

Park Jin Young has always been liberal about sex, so it's not difficult to imagine Park Jin Young singing these songs. He follows up those lyrics with the following: "I hate waking up hung-over. I want to love. I hate coming home alone." Considering these lyrics, it's no wonder that Park Jin Young is getting married in such haste. In his single "Love Is the Best," he even states that "among money, fame, and love, love is the best."

Tiger JK's song "Let's Live" is also meaningful. His words are written as lyrics that read, "My bright smile sheds a dark shadow over me but my sad heart will smile once again." It's not hard to imagine the lyrics being about his fight and recovery with and from Myelitis.

Although Park Jin Young's lyrics are a little harder to relate to when he sings about having all the fame and all the money that the world can offer, the truthfulness about life captured in the lyrics of the songs of both Park Jin Young and Tiger JK appeals to their fans, many of whom are now older and appreciate these "adult" songs.

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Park Jin Young
Tiger JK
Half Time
I've Played Enough
Let's Live
