2PM Taec Yeon congratulates Wondergirls on their 5th year anniversary

2PM member Taec Yeon congratulated Wondergirls on their 5th year anniversary.

On the 10th he posted on his Twitter "It's 5th year anniversary of Wondergirls! Really congratulations"

He continued "If there was no Wondergirls there would be no 2PM. So touched. Really congrats on your 5th anniversary".

Wondergirls Yubin also posted on her Twitter "Today is the 5th year anniversary of Wondergirls".

Netizens who saw the post commented "congrats!", "Wondergirls are the best", "JYP's two best groups", "so good to see how humble you are all the time ", "Taec Yeon is so nice", and etc...

Photo Credit: JYP

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