‘Avengers 2 Age Of Ultron’ Cast [UPDATE]: Quicksilver Played By Aaron-Taylor Johnson; Magneto’s Son To Betray His Father?

Another addition to the "Avengers: Age of Ultron" Cast. After the Scarlet Witch, it's only a matter of time before his brother jumps in. Quicksilver is Magneto's son, but there's no father-son moments here.

In an interview with Total Film, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, the "Kick-Ass" star, already anticipates playing Quicksilver:  "There's years - over 50 years - of backstory on him all there to use, and I like doing that. Him and his sister [Scarlet Witch] have been abandoned by their parents and their father, and they grew up in Eastern Europe defending and looking out for themselves and each other. His sister really is his guidance - emotionally she's the one who looks after him, and vice versa. He's very overprotective physically - he doesn't want anyone touching her. He has real anger frustration - I like that. I always thought it'd be quite funny if you saw him eating loads and people asked him why and he'd explain it's because he's burning so much energy all the time. Or ideas that you'd see him come back round - but he's already nipped out and got his lunch somewhere else. He just got bored - his attention span is so fucking quick."

The character of Quicksilver, Pietro Maximoff in normal life, is actually the son of Magneto. Along with his sister Wanda, who became the Scarlet Witch, they were both mutants. Their mother fled from Magneto when he became mad with power and obsessed with world domination.

They met againbut they were unaware of their relationship. In the Marvel Universe:  "Despite Pietro's attempt to defend her, they were soon overpowered and were about to become victims of mob violence when Magneto came to their rescue. Unaware that he was their natural father, Magneto pressed them into service in his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, costumed them, and named them the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. For months they served Magneto out of a sense of obligation and fear of his reprisal. As members of the Brotherhood, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch aided Magneto in his terrorist campaigns against humanity and helped him combat the original members of the X-Men. Magneto did not realize Wanda and Pietro were his children, nor did they know he was their father."

The twin brother and sister team joined the Avengers, and they are not a part of the X-Men Universe. In Cinematic terms, they would probably not meet their father, but until now, they still despise him and his view that humans should be eradicated.

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