Heatbreaker Justin Bieber To Release New Song Tonight For Music Mondays [VIDEO]; Twitter Beliebers Full Of Excitement For Countdown, New Songs Every Week!

Heartbreaker Justin Bieber has announced the release of a new song!  The new single - titled Heartbreaker - will be the first of ten releases on Music Mondays.

Whenever Justin Bieber releases a new song, the internet has a nervous breakdown over it, so its no surprise that lots of his Belieber fans on Twitter are excited for Heartbreaker!  They're even more excited than usual at the news that Bieber will be releasing a new song every week, calling it Music Mondays.

@BeliebinTeam posted a shocked photo selfie montage of himself on hearing the news about Justin Bieber's new song Heartbreaker, saying: "Me right now as well as 45M other Beliebers due to #heartbreaker and #MusicMondays"
@iBiebsQueen says: "♥ He isnt the next Michael Jackson, he is the first Justin Bieber ♥"
@JustinCrew has a countdown until the release of Justin Bieber's new song Heartbreaker: "#14HOURS until #HEARTBREAKER! The countdown begins."
@justswaggyy says to spread the news about Justin Bieber's new song Heartbreaker: "Tell a friend to tell a friend that #heartbreaker comes out at midnight on iTunes. spread the neewssss"
Bieber fans have a lot to be excited about, because thanks to Music Mondays they will get a new song a week for a while, says @kidrauhlslayer_: "Justin's releasing a new song every monday till he releases believe 3d on Christmas, starting with #Heartbreaker"
@theycallmejerry encourages Bieber fans to get in on the promotion of new song Heartbreaker and Music Mondays: "We've got #Heartbreaker in less than 24H, #MusicMondays for the next 10 weeks, BELIEVE on Christmas, and plenty of time to promote it all."
@BieberSuperArmy posted a photo of a toilet seat that had Justin Bieber Heartbreaker written on it, commenting: "Don't tell me this isn't the best fanbase ever. #heartbreaker"
Even some youtube pranksters have gotten in on the fun!  Check out this version of Heartbreaker released by people pretending to be the Justin Bieber Vevo below!
Watch Heartbreaker  Video Justin Bieber Joke Video Here:  

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