'New Girl' Season 3 Episode 5 Recap: Nick Acts Like One-Day Millionaire After Receiving Inheritance From Father, Jess Urges Him To Be More Sensible

For Nick Miller who's working as a bartender, receiving $8,000 dollars will truly be a big thing. When a man shows up at the loft and hands him a suspicious-looking brown bag containing the said amount from his departed father's estate, Nick is beyond ecstatic.

He starts spending the money by shopping with Jess and Winston. His happiness causes him to make some impulsive purchases including shoes that do not fit him. Jess finally tries to talk to him and urges him to do something sensible with his cash. He encourages him to open a bank account for him, banks are merely "paper bags with fancier walks".

Nick's box later comes to life. The box contains things which he does not want to deal with particularly unpaid bills. Feeling the need to rescue him, Jess starts spending Nick's inheritance by paying his bills. Nick becomes furious when he discovers Jess "good deed".

He is upset that Jess invaded her privacy. He likewise adds his unwillingness to change his old ways: "Are we ever going to get to the point where you stop working on me. This is me, take it or leave it. I'm not changing for anyone." To end the argument, Jess writes him a check for the amount which she has touched from his inheritance.

Even if Schmidt tried to break the couple apart in the last episode, his antics apparently did not work. In the end, Nick shows his softer side by saying he's willing to alter his ways for his lady love: "I realized something: I'll do anything for you, Jess."

'New Girl' airs every Tuesday at 9 p.m. on Fox.

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