House Stenographer Rant About "Freemasons" Gets Dianne Reidy Dragged Off Floor [VIDEO]; Claims Message Came From God; Husband Say She Was "Sickened" By What She Saw In Government

House Stenographer Rant: Dianna Reidy, stenographer for the House of Representatives, was taken off the floor of the House when she ranted during the vote on the government shutdown.

Stenographer Dianne Reidy's rant before the House of Representatives concerned her religious beliefs: "He will not be mocked. He will not be mocked- don't touch me- He will not be mocked."

Reidy continued: "The greatest deception here is this is not one nation under God. It never was. Had it been it would not have been. It would not have been."

"The Constitution would not have been written by Freemasons. They go against God. You cannot serve two masters. You cannot serve two masters. Praise be to God. Lord Jesus Christ. Praise be to Jesus."

After the House stenographer rant, Dianne Reidy was taken off the floor of the House to a hospital for evaluation.  She has been released and plans to return to work Tuesday.

Watch House Stenographer Rant Here: 

Dianne Reidy's husband, Dan Reidy, told the Post about his wife's intentions with the House stenographer rant: "God was preparing her for this vote last night, because this was kind of the culmination of everything."

"This was the big one. Everybody's there. And Dianne didn't know what she was sharing, she didn't know when - but she just sensed in her spirit."

Dan Reidy says that his wife Dianne was "sickened" by what she witnessed in government, which lead to the House stenographer rant: "This whole mess has just kind of sickened her to the whole process,"

"The alliances between people who aren't really allies. The finger-pointing on the dais, [then] the arms around each other... Where are the people being served in this whole deal?"

Nevertheless, Reidy claims that "My wife is a sweet, level-headed wonderful woman of God. I am proud of her."

Dan Reidy told the Daily Beast about his family's religious beliefs: "Reading a Bible is not foreign to us, but getting up in the middle of the night definitely is. It's just not a part of our life."

"What she was finding out was that God was impressing on her heart that He had a message He wanted her to share with the House of Representatives."

A GOP aide said of Dianne Reidy: "She's a well-known person, she's a perfectly nice person, a good colleague, somebody who's respectable and dependable, and this is very surprising to everybody who works with her. I don't know, she just snapped."

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