Lea Michele And Cory Monteith Are Not Exactly In Good Terms When He Died; ‘Glee’ Stars Needed Time Away From Each Other

While Lea  Michele and Cory Monteith did not waste time expressing their love for each other, it likewise did not mean that the two never went through rocky times.  Unfortunately, the couple is not exactly in good terms when Monteith died last July 13.

The two reportedly have much differences in terms of their personalities and while for most parts they complemented each other, there were likewise moments when their beliefs and characters would clash.

 "Lea and Cory were in love, nobody can argue that. But the relationship was hard to maintain away from the set. It was easy to be in love and happy around friends and crew, but it was completely different when their realities set in with each other," claims one source.

At the time of Monteith's tragic death, the two have temporarily separated. This can likewise explain why Michel was on vacation with her best girlfriends in Cabo San Lucas shortly before her beau's death.  Monteith was similarly in Canada to visit his family.

"They both knew that they would be together again once they got back to filming. It was never going to be a complete relationship end - they just needed time away from each other to deal with their separate lives, which were complete polar opposites," adds the source.

If the source's claim is true, then it might be the reason why grieving can be harder for Michele. Nonetheless, the 'Make You Feel My Love' singer is trying so hard to cope with Monteith's loss. Apart from having a new album which will be released soon, she has likewise welcomed another love named Pearl.

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