Spongebob Squarepants Headstone Monument Taken Down One Day After Placed In Cincinnati Cemetery For Murder Army Sergeant Kimberly Walker On Valentine's Day In Hotel Room

Spongebob Squarepants headstone monument for 28-year-old Army sergeant Kimberly Walker who was murdered on Valentine's Day has been removed by the cemetery, which causes disbelief for already a grieving family.

The  Spongebob Squarepants headstone monument has been removed one day after it was paid for and placed inside the Spring Grove cemetery near Cincinnati.

Walker was murdered and found dead allegedly by her boyfriend's hands inside a Colorado Springs hotel. Her family knew she was such a fan of the Nickelodeon cartoon character Spongebob Squarepants, that she was buried with a doll of him. They wanted a headstone monument because it fit who she was.

Deborah Walker, Kimberly's mother, explained to WLWT-TV that her daughter loved the character and kept SpongeBob paraphernalia all the time.

The family paid more than $26,000 for two monuments, one cast with army fatigues representing Walker, and another with a naval uniform for her twin sister, Kara, currently an IT specialist with the U.S. Navy, according to News Feed.

"They stand six feet tall, and he's four feet wide, so when he's on a platform of eight inches, so it makes him six-eight," Walker told the news outlet about the 7,000 lbs. monuments.

On Thursday, October 10th, the monuments arrived and were put in place at the cemetery, each one in a military uniform -- one Army for Kimberly, one Navy for her twin sister, Kara, who is currently a Navy I.T. specialist, according to News Feed.

"I thought it was like the greatest thing in a cemetery. I even told the people there i think this is the best monument I've ever seen and best headstone that you have in the cemetery, and they all agreed. It came out really nice," Kara told the news outlet.

The cemetery did release a statement apologizing for the ordeal, though it said they cannot approve of the monument.

No update on whether a lawsuit will be filed by the Walker family.

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