Immigration Reform Bill News 2013 [VIDEO]: Did Government Shutdown "Poison The Well" For Immigration Bill? No Signs Of Compromise From Republicans After Battle Over Health Care Reform

Immigration Reform News 2013: With the government shutdown over, legislators in both houses of Congress are considering the prospects of passing an immigration reform bill before year's end.
A GOP leadership aide told NBC that the prospects for an immigration reform bill were slim: "The president's actions and attitude over the past couple of weeks have certainly poisoned the well and made it harder to work together on any issue"

According to Marshall Fitz, director of immigration policy for the progressive Center for American Progress, "There will definitely have to be a cooling off period" before an immigration reform bill can pass.
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President Obama believes that a year end goal for an immigration reform bill is realistic, saying: "Let's not leave this problem to keep festering for another year or two years or three years.  This can and should get done by the end of this year."
The Senate has already passed an immigration reform bill that would overhaul border security, require employer verification of workers' status and create a lengthy path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. 

While Democrats and some Republicans support the immigration reform bill passed in the Senate, House Speaker John Boehner is not allowing legislation that lacks majority support from Republicans come to a vote. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told Univision that "if immigration were brought to the floor tomorrow it would pass overwhelming in the House of Representatives, overwhelmingly.  The American people want it, it would reduce the debt by a trillion dollars. It's long overdue."

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