Metal Gear Solid 5 Release Date News: Gamers Allowed To ‘Bring Along A Buddy’ On Missions? Source Reveals New Details On Upcoming Stealth Game

Metal Gear Solid 5 will allow users to "bring along a buddy" on various missions, Playstation Universe reports, leaving many gamers excited about the possibility of accompanying Punished Snake with different characters.

While Kojima Productions, the game's developer, has not dished out about the different characters that will be able to accompany the protagonist, they have revealed that Snake's face is based on four different people, including Dr. Emmerich's scanned from a French model, Playstation Universe also reports.

A gameplay demo of The Phantom Pain was released earlier this season, but an official release date for the game has not been reported.

But Metal Gear Solid 5 also garnered attention over its Open World and some of the misconceptions about the feature.

Last week, Hideo Kojima announced that a lot of the rumors surrounding the Open World feature were not accurate.

"With MGS up to now, we could only build the interior of wherever you were infiltrating. How you got there was shown in a cut-scene, and the player would just suddenly be in front of the entrance. Once you finished the mission, there'd be another cut-scene, a helicopter or whatever would come by, and you'd escape," he told Japanese gaming media site Famitsu.

"I think the term 'open world' has taken on a life of its own and caused misunderstandings. Of course it's not going to be a game where Snake fishes all day or changes jobs and pursues a different life. The game map is an open world and you have freedom in that way, but in MGS5, it's clear what you're doing. That may be 'I have to help someone' or 'Destroy this thing' or 'Go gather intelligence at this spot'. Some missions will have time limits, too."

Metal Gear Solid 5 will take place in 1980s Afghanistan and will involve conflict surrounding the Soviet invasion and its American response. 

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