Farrah Abraham VS Bethenny Frankel [WATCH VIDEOS] Moms At War As Teen Mom Waxes 4-Year-Old's Eyebrows 'In Her Sleep!' And 'Takes A Break' From Being A Mother


Bethenny Frankel VS Farrah Abraham! Teen Mom Farrah Abraham went on 'Bethenny' and got grilled by the talk show host and her audience. The two mothers had very different ideas about how to raise their daughters and Bethenny let her know.

According to RadarOnline Farrah Abraham also says Bethenny Frankel was'rude' and was bent on making her look bad, even telling people to not buy her Farrah Abraham sex toy line. 

Farrah who appeared on 'Bethenny' said she waxes her 4-year-old daughter's eyebrows 'while she is sleeping' to look better in pictures. Farrah stands by being a mother that grooms her toddler while audience members were outraged at Abraham's poor mom skills. Watch the video above of Farrah on Bethenny to see an audience member say 'her head was going to explode' at Farrah's parenting.

Farrah Abraham, who became a mother at 16, also stood by her quote about Sophia having her 'own life.' Farrah talks about her baby daughter Sophia like it's her BFF just taking a break from seeing each other for a while. She's 4-years-old, not your girl pal! Stop showing your Vajayjay and start being a mother to your baby, Farrah!

This quote from Farrah about Sophia having her own life is from Farrah Abraham is infuriating, and more than the normal annoying things Farrah usually says like ling about her sex tape being 'leaked' or exaggerating how much she got paid for it. This statement just shows that she is the kind of person who should not be allowed be ever be a mother. It's a privaledge to be a mom, not a god given right and Farrah proves that not everybody is entitled to being a mother.

It would not be surprising to see social services step in and check up on Farrah's little girl. And the worst part is while litte Sophia lacks a descent mother, she doesn't have a father either. Farrah's boyfriend and Sophia's father, Derek Underwood, was killed in a car accident before Sophia was born. So who is watching this four year old girl and why does Farrah think it's ok to 'take a break' from being a mother?

Farrah didn't take the interview too well and has spoken out about how she feels about Bethenny Frankel:

'Before going on the show, I was told that it would be a positive and inspirational talk for mothers and business women,' Farrah, 22, told Radar in an exclusive interview.

'But as soon as I met Bethenny, it turned into a judgmental zone. She did not like how I valued my daughter's opinion and care so much about her that I allow her to have her own voice.'

'She brought up very old misconstrued tabloid topics like my daughter's unibrow and had judgmental women who were in the audience act disrespectful towards me and twist my opinion - as a mother, I care about my daughter's hygiene - to suggest Sophia would not be beautiful, even if she had a unibrow. It was rude and I felt Bethenny siding with these women and their untrue statements. This was very rude as my life has moved on from all of this, plus, it made no sense at all being the first release of the sex toys are for men not women.'

'Perhaps her ex-husband Jason will be purchasing my sex toys... not women like Bethenny,' she added. Bethenny seems to be in a dark place in her life and it was shocking to see how against women she really is.'

She hopes the former Real Housewives Of New York star 'comes to better terms with herself so she can be a better mother.'

Who's side are you on? Bethenny or Farrah?

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