X-men Days Of Future Past:”X-Men Days of Future Past” Spoilers [see trailer]: Director Bryan Singer Does A Q&A Via Twitter

Director Bryan Singer has taken social media site “Twitter” by storm as he answer questions from the fans about X-men Days of Future Past.

Questions rained in immediately as the Singer cues in the start of the twitter chat, see the summary of the Q&A:

The first question came in from Facebook fan Vlad Micu asking, “How was it to bring the cast of the original X-Men and the cast of X-Men First Class together in the same Movie?” The director quickly answers back saying that is was “Awesome, and slightly intimidating.”

Another Facebook fan asked about what funny moments happened with the cast during production, where the director gladly answered saying, “In between shooting a serious scene on Xavier's private jet, Michael, Nick, Hugh and James dancing to #BlurredLines #IHaveTheFootage.”

Fans would surely love to see the footage of Hugh Jackman dancing, perhaps he’s wearing his wolverine costume in the footage, that sounds pretty interesting.

Even actor Ian McKellen who will be playing Magneto in the movie joins the twitter chat as he asked Singer:

Finally someone asked about a cast in the film, asking what viewers could expect from Mistique in the Days of Future Past, where Singer answered back saying that the mysterious mutant would be “much more hardened kick-ass character” than she was in “First Class.”

When asked about how would he characterize the tone and style of the movie, Singer told the fan that, “the overall tone is a bit darker than previous films.”

This Q&A seems to be revealing more and more about the movie as Singer unveils some of the new characters appearing in the Days of The Future Past:

And ooohhh the fans are finally going to see the Sentinels in action in this film, according to the director himself.

Finally the last question came in from Neil Sutton on Facebook asking about what the full trailer most likely be showcasing, where Singer answered saying,” Tomorrow's trailer is primarily a character piece, as most of our VFX are not yet finished.”

The trailer was uploaded by X-Men Movies on October 29, with already more than 7 million viewers.

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Hugh Jackman
