‘New Girl’ Season 3 Episode 8 Recap: How Chinese Food Strengthened The Apartment Mates’ Bond

Despite the show's lighthearted nature, 'New Girl' Season 3 Episode 7 entitled 'Menus' dealt with several issues that come with adulthood.

The episode starts with Jess feeling disappointed after finding out that the field trip she's been planning will not be possible. After the disheartening conversation with her superior, she decides to focus her energy on a nonsensical cause. After noticing several Chinese food menus under their apartment's door, she went straight to the Hop Foo restaurant and reprimanded them from wasting too much paper. The manager then fought with Jess. What's more challenging is how the students of Jess are starting to lose faith on her. The students wondered whether Jess was saying the truth when she declared that anything was possible.

Meanwhile, Coach notices that Nick is starting to lose shape, that's why he volunteers to be his trainer. Nick refuses to take Coach's offer of intervention. Coach feels disappointed after the rejection.

Winston eats a bit of the Chinese food but goes into a shock because of MSG allergy. Jess again complains to Hop Foo and uses Winston as her leverage. The owner finally agrees to stop sending the menus but it likewise means that the guy leaving the menus shall be fired. The triumphant Jess becomes sad and guilty again. Nonetheless, Nick manages to bring back Jess and Coach's blithesome spirit by giving a partial pep talk.  

As for Schmidt, he's still out of the apartment and is having difficulty in admitting that he misses his loft mates.

Jess eventually finds a way to pursue the field trip of her students. She enlists the help of Hop Foos' menu vans to transport the children to the beach. The episode finishes with Nick awkwardly running and Schmidt getting back his apartment keys. Poor Winston, on the other hand, is about to be buried in the sand by the mischievous students of Jess.

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