Real Housewives Of Miami Reunion Part 2 Spoilers [VIDEO] Lisa Calls Joanna Krupa 'A Hooker' And 'Selfish' As Joanna Continues Her Warpath On Hochstein

The Real Housewives Of Miami reunion part 2 spoilers are in and they are extremely dramatic. The argument between Joanna and Lisa gets hotter as Joanna denies how mean she's been to Lisa all season on Housewives, and Lisa accuses Joanna of previously being a hooker! The other Housewives will get gobbled up as Lisa and Joanna remain the focal point of the reunion. 

Joanna and Lisa used to be such close friend on the Real Housewives of Miami but Joanna's constant 'digs' have pushed Lisa over the edge. It's about time that the scripted friendship ended. Joanna treats Lisa like crap while Lisa has been nothing but suppotive and caring to Joanna. But after a season of constant bullying by Joanna in Miami, the Housewives reunion has ended their friendship for good. 

On the Miami Housewives reunion part 2, this is what you will here. And get ready, because if you think Joanna was heartless in part 1, she gets even more evil tonight in part 2. The conversation wil go like this:

'I'm not attacking you,' Joanna tells Lisa, once again denying her digs are hurtful. 

'I don't believe you. I think you are so full of s**t at this point, like I can't even look at your face right now!,'  Lisa shouts.

'I worry about you,' inists Joanna, who is clearly not worried about her friend or she wouldn't have blogged about her infertility ploblems and degraded Lisa on the internet.

'Worry about me?' shrieks Lisa. 'You don't worry about anybody but yourself because you're so selfish! You wanna hit below the belt, I will hit below the belt,' shouts Lisa. 

Joanna says 'I'm ready,' once again egging Lisa on.

'People have told me that you've been a hooker,' reveals Lisa. I wonder what she charged?

Joanna asks her to reveal her sources, but Lisa refuses, saying 'I'm a bigger person than she is and I have a conscience and I have a heart.' 

After Joanna begs for answers Lisa says, 'You've met her, you're friends with her' and laughs.

Adriana puts in her two cents adding Joanna is a 'fraud in every way.' Good for Adriana for sticking up for Lisa. They're friendship actually feels real.

Joanna is completely in the wrong. It's Housewives drama on crack and it doesn't even seem enjoyable to watch. If Joanna doesn't apologize in part 2 I'm not watching Miami anymore.

As for Adriana and Lea...they're dumb feud continues about Adriana lying she was maried for five years. Blah blah blah anyone else tired of this argument? End it ladies!

On the RHOM reunion part 1, the drama between Joanna Krupa and Lisa had already begun. Joanna was so mean to Lisa Hochstein! 

Part 1 started and ended with an epic feud between Joanna and Lisa, who have been 'friends' throughout the first 2 season of the show. When Andy Cohen asked Joanna  why she was so mean to Lisa, throwing 'digs' at her all throughout the second season about not working, Joanna just denied that her words were digs saying she didn't mean them in that way (oh, she most certainly did). Can't a Housewife take responsibility for anything? 

Joanna Krupa added that Lisa's husband, Lenny Hochstein, says the 'working dig' all the time, so why can't she? It's because Joanna makes it sound rude while Lenny is joking with the woman he loves. Why does Joanna Krupa, with all her success, have to bully her friends? Lisa insists its 'her insecurities.' 

Is Joanna jealous of Lisa for living lavishly without having to work hard, or does she resent women that don't work because of her own struggles? Either way Lisa is her FRIEND and she should figure out her own issues and be nice to the people that love her, like Lisa certainly does.

Although maybe the producers of The RHOM tell Joanna to be mean to keep the drama going on the dying program ? It wouldn't be the first time Bravo scripted something on the show. 

 Lisa was obviously in deep pain over Joanna picking on her and constantly putting her down. Lisa cried real tears as Joanna Krupa cackled an evil laugh. If Joanna wasn't a supermodel would she even be on Housewives? And would SHE have a 'job?' My guess is no. 

But the real dig was what Joanna wrote in her blog that was read by Andy Cohen:

 "She has such an issue with getting pregnant, maybe cutting down on the partying would help with the health aspect of getting pregnant. She should focus on herself a little more."

Does Joanna have any facts to back up her claim? It's the hard partying girls that are always getting pregnant! Have you seen Maury?

Adriana came into the reunion guns blazing at Joanna.  After watching the whole season, Adriana was angry at Joanna for treating her 'friend' Lisa so poorly.

Adriana said to Joanna, "She flies all the way to LA to help you with YOUR wedding, and as soon as she gets there you put her down in front of all of your friends."

Go Adriana!  She was my hero at the Miami reunion par 1, sticking up for Lisa and calling out Joanna and her sex life. Adriana threw out the possibility of her husband, Romain, being gay and even said he has a 'limp penis!'

The other drama was of course between Adriana and Lea. Their feud is so boring and drawn out. I think that viewers don't like Miami as much as the other Housewives because they are not as emotionally invested in the characters.

When other Housewives have fought in the past such as Jill and Bethenny and Vicki and Tamra, the audience cares about the women and wants to see their friendships get mended. But on the Miami Housewives, nobody really cares either way.

So Adriana and Lea have some unkind words to each other which will continue in Part 2.  Lea tells Adriana that she is unappreciative of all the help she has provided her, biting the hand that fed her. And again, this part is dull.

As for the rest of the ladies, who really cares!

Alexis, though she looked gorgeous in green emerald earrings, had nothing to add once again. When Andy asked about her sex life, the Cuban doll was mum. Maybe she'll have some opinions in part 2, but I highly doubt it.

And Maysol...oh she wasn't even there! Hadn't noticed. She and Alexis are such a snoozefest.

But Marysol WILL be there when The Real Housewives of Miami reunion part 2 continues on Bravo at 9pm tonight.

What did you think of part 1 and what's your predictions for part 2? Do you think Joanna and Lisa can ever be friends again?

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