Elder Scrolls Online Release Date Version Focuses More On PvP? Developers Reveal It Will Be ‘An Incredibly Important Part Of The Game’

Elder Scrolls Online developers revealed during a recent question and answer segment that person-versus-person gameplay will be an integral part of the game.

"It's an incredibly important part of the game for us, and one we're working to ensure has depth and great systems. You can hop into the Alliance War starting at level 10, and if you want to level your character up from that point on in PVP, you can," developers said, according to JunkiesNation.com.

"We do not have any PVP-only stats, so you won't be penalized for leveling up entirely via PVP. It's a totally viable way to play, and you will still be able to be competitive in PVE content if you level and gear up entirely in PVP."

Bethesda will release the game in the first quarter of 2014, StrategyInformer.com reports, giving gamers hope for an early-year release.

The website also discussed changes in character customization that will accompany the game's release date version.

"Even though creating your character is just the first step on your adventure, it's an important one. We want to give you the tools you need to realize the hero you're already envisioning, and we're excited to give you a peek at some of the options you'll use to create the character you want to play in ESO," Bethesda released in a statement.

Elder Scrolls Online developers revealed that customization options will include racial specific features, according to Joystiq.com.

"There are currently 24 hairstyle choices per gender in the character creation system. Some of these choices are shared between races, but each race has some unique hairstyle options," developers revealed in a recent interview, according to the website.

"Hair color and eye color are also specific to each race and align with established lore. For example, Wood Elves have an option for black eyes that is not available to any other race."

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