Han Hyejin With Big Bang

Actress Han Hyejin revealed a picture taken with Big Bang members. 

On the 20th, Han Hyejin posted a picture on her twitter along with the comments, "Today's healing camp guests "Big Bang" and our new MC! Please watch our show! 8:45PM on JTBC Episode 3! Have a wonderful day."

In the picture, Big Bang members, Lee Kyung Gyu, Han Hye Jin, and Kim Jae Dong are all posing for the camera. The restaurant they are in is a restaurant that the Big Bang members used to go when they were still trainees. They chose this spot so that they will always remember their hardships in the beginning and continue to work hard for their goals. 

Fans have commented, "I'll be sure to watch" and "I will be cheering you guys on!"

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Big Bang
Healing Camp
Han Hye Jin
