Jang Jae In reveals her first clubbing experience

Singer Jang Jae In revealed a time when she turned down a guy at a club.

On the 25th broadcast of KBS 'Yoo Hee Yeol's Sketchbook', Jang Jae in made her appearance and talked about her first clubbing experience.

She opened up "recently I went to a club but I was so embarrassed someone would approach me that I was just standing with beer in both of my hands. Someone just tapped me and told me they wanted to buy me a drink. It was my first time experiencing something like that so I thought he looked really cool".

However, Jae In was unable to spend a lot of time with the guy. Jang Jae In commented "The stylists I was with told me I shouldn't follow him because people know me. It would make me look cheap". However, Jae In commented "I really wanted to go with him".

Photo Credit: KBS

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YHY Sketchbook
