Big Bang "Their Comeback is Senseless"

Big Bang members are scheduled to release their new album on the 29th of February. Although it was much anticipated, many people are still shocked at how early their comeback is.

Last year, Big Bang members had to face their tallest mountain. First, Dae Sung was in a car accident that resulted in one death and G-Dragon's marijuana test came out positive. Its been 4 months and 6 months since their incidents and they are already releasing a new album. To face the public before their official release date, G-Dragon and Dae Sung have appeared on the show "Healing Camp" to talk about their thoughts and their emotions.

On the 25th, a show on KBS 2TV featured the results from a survey regarding Big Bang's comeback. Shockingly, 63.6% of people said that Big Bang's comeback is way too soon. People generalyl commented that, "They didn't officially apologize to their fans and it seems like they didn't even have any time for self-reflection. It is way to early for their comeback."

The survey results showed that 25.7% said Big Bang's comeback is fine on the timing and 9.3% said they didn't know.

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