Wonder Girls Hye Rim's Past

On March 3rd, Hye Rim of the Wonder Girls updated her personal me2day page.

The update included her words, "When I was in middle school. (7th Grade) 4 interpreters during a judo match! I was proud of the Korean team." and included a picture.

The picture that Hye Rim released showed a younger version of herself wearing a red uniform. She was holding up a sign that said "Korea". She looked very cute and seemed to be very mature for that age. Hye Rim looked exactly the same as she does now and gained a lot of attention for being a natural beauty.

Netizens who saw the photo responded with comments like, "Wow, judo... you're right there!", "That's incredible! You look the same as you do now", "Hye Rim is so cute. Why is she so cute" and etc.

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