Maleficent Movie Star Angelina Jolie’s Directorial Movie ‘Unbroken’ Is A ‘Motherf***er,’ According To Screenwriters Joel & Ethan Coen

Maleficent Movie star Angelina Jolie maybe done in shooting her comeback film for Disney, but she's still busy directing her WWII film "Unbroken" in Australia.

The Hollywood superstar has proven many times how she has overcome challenges in her life and in her work respectively.

The controversy she had to face after Brad Pitt divorced Jennifer Aniston for her, how she takes care of her six children and most recently the pain she had to go through following her preventive double mastectomy procedure. These are just few of the many challenges the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) ambassador faces, aside from her charitable works.

And with her latest project, the 38-year old Oscar winning actress is yet again facing a challenge in her effort to direct the WWII biopic "Unbroken."

Academy award winning screenwriters Joel and Ethan Coen are witnesses to Jolie's latest movie saying that it's not an easy feat, from their interview with The Independent's Radar magazine.

The World War II biopic about Louis Zamperini is really a challenge to film because of all the war and water scenes.

"That movie is really a motherf***er ... a difficult production thing," one of the brothers told the publication.

"There is aerial combat stuff, dogfight stuff, and there is stuff on a lifeboat on an open sea."

The famous Coen brothers are used to directing their own scripts (Fargo and The Big Lebowski), but leaving Angelina Jolie behind the camera was a decision they're glad they did.

"There is something good about being able to blithely write whatever you want without having to worry about having to think, even in the back of your mind, about the reality of production," one of them explained.

"But you know, it's from a book, it's not fiction stuff, so it's not like Angie can blame us for that."

When asked why they were hired to write the script for Laura Hillenbrand's movie adaptation, they answered:

 "We know [Angelina] a little. Why did she solicit us? Yeah, because she knows us."

The difficulty of filming the World War II biopic was discussed by Angelina Jolie last October when she spoke to Entertainment Weekly, saying:

"On set, we started to joke and say, 'Tomorrow will be easier,' knowing full well that on this challenging shoot, there are no easy days," Maleficent movie star told the publication through email.

"Anytime it gets tough, we think of the real men who lived through this, and no one complains. In fact, we all just feel honored to be here."

The movie, which tells about the story of American Olympic runner and World War II hero Louis Zamperini, who was imprisoned by the Japanese army is scheduled to hit theaters on December this year, starring actors Jack O'Connell, Garrett Hedlund and Domhnall Gleeson.

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