Shonda Rhimes Mike Huckabee Feud In The Offing; Scandal Creator Says Fox News Host Should Wake Up With A Vagina; Huckabee Retaliates

When former Arkansas Governor and Fox News Host Mike Huckabee said that women cannot manage their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government," he was just trying to win sympathy from the women sector. However, that statement of him didn't sit well amongst women and other political parties.

He even went on to say that "Democrats want to insult the women of America by making them believe that they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription."

Huckabee's comments were first seen on the Times and readers were quick to react violently saying the governor did more harm than good for his party.

"Mike Huckabee has no idea what he's talking about," Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz said. "If this is the GOP rebrand a year later, then all they've gotten is a year older."

The women sector is the one affected the most by Huckabee's 'insults' and on Friday, they found a defender in the person of Scandal TV series creator Shonda Rhimes.

The  American screenwriter, director and producer who is also known as the brain behind the hit medical drama Grey's Anatomy, took to Twitter to express her disapproval of Huckabee's statements.

"I want Mike Huckabee to wake up tomorrow having suddenly grown a vagina. Then I wanna deny his vagina proper medical care and birth control while making crazy statements about his libido. And see how he likes it."

Shortly after the award-winning Scandal creator aired his side, the Fox News host fired retaliation.

Ms. Rhimes' comment seems to be directed at the misquotations of my speech which were made by certain members of the media. Even they were forced to admit they got it wrong and had to issue a correction. Maybe Ms. Rhimes will issue a correction as well.


As a strong, and powerful woman, I believe Ms. Rhimes would agree that women are not helpless, and they have the capacity to manage their lives without the intervention of big government. The real scandal is the fact that Democrats continue to portray the women of America as helpless victims of gender who need government assistance in order to manage their reproductive systems. I think far more highly of women than that."

shonda rhimes
mike huckabee
Fox News
women contraceptive
