Rosie O’Donnell Returns To ‘The View’ For First Time Since 2007; Left After Political Flareup With Conservative Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Who's Gone Now

Rosie O'Donnell is coming back to "The View." Seven years after her bitter exit from "The View," Rosie O'Donnell will be as a guest.  This will be Rosie's first appearance on "The View" she moderated it during 2006-2007 season. 

On February 7, The View will welcome back former co-host Rosie O'Donnell. O'Donnell served as moderator on The View from 2006 to 2007, before breaking her contract early. Reports at the time said there was a feud between Rosie and The View's co-host/executive producer Barbara Walters. When she left, O'Donnell said she'd return as an occasional correspondent. This is her first occasion. When you think about it, you don't get much more occasional than that.

In her 2007 memoir "Celebrity Detox," Rosie said "I would be less-than-honest if I were to say that there is no trouble between Barbara and I. I mean, our differences are obvious."

Rosie O'Donnell had a rocky tenure when she sat on the panel. 

"The View" executive producers Barbara Walters and Bill Geddie announced Rosie O'Donnell will be returning to the panel for the Friday, Feb. 7 show. In a statement, Veteran ABC newscaster Barbara Walters, said "I have great affection for Rosie and we have remained in contact through the years. I am happy to welcome her back to the program. She is always a lively and engaging guest and a part of the show's successful history."

This is Walters' last season on the show. O'Donnell is currently guest-starring in the ABC Family drama "The Fosters."

O'Donnell took over the moderator seat from Meredith Vieira in 2006 but only stayed one season. When Rosie was on "The View," her takes on political topics as well as news items and even the daytime fluff pieces, put her at oddes with Star Jones and Elisabeth Hasselbeck. Hasselbeck left the program for Fox News back in July.  O'Donnell's time on "The View" was also known for her feud with Donald Trump. Just three weeks before Rosie's contract ran out she had a particularly heated political disagreement With co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck.

O'Donnell and Hasselbeck squabble was nothing new, it started over the war in Iraq became heated when an angry O'Donnell asked Hasselbeck "655,000 Iraqi civilians have died. Who are the terrorists?"

Critics accused O'Donnell of calling U.S. troops terrorists. Hasselback didn't back up Rosie. And O'Donnell confronted her saying "What you did was not defend me. ... I asked you if you believed what the Republican pundits were saying - you said nothing, and that's cowardly."
Hasselback countered "Do not call me a coward, because No. 1, I sit here every single day, open my heart and tell people what I believe."

After a commercial break O'Donnell and Hasselbeck were shown on a split screen. O'Donnell said "Do you believe that I think our troops are terrorists? And you would not even look me in the face, Elisabeth, and say, 'No, Rosie.'" Hasselbeck responded "Because you are an adult, and I am certainly not going to be the person for you to explain your thoughts. They're your thoughts! Defend your own insinuations!"

O'Donnell ended with  "So for three weeks, you can say all the Republican crap you want."

Three weeks later, ABC announced Rosie O'Donnell would not be back on "The View."

At the time Barbara Walters said "I brought Rosie to the show. Rosie contributed to one of our most exciting and successful years at 'The View.' I am most appreciative. Our close and affectionate relationship will not change."

In a statement, Brian Frons, the president of Disney-ABC's Daytime Television Group, said "We had hoped that Rosie would be with us until the end of her contract three weeks from now, but Rosie has informed us that she would like an early leave. Therefore, we part ways, thank her for her tremendous contribution to 'The View' and wish her well,"

When O'Donnell left "The View" she put out a statement saying "I'm extremely grateful. It's been an amazing year and I love all three women." But told her social media fans she always felt like "a foster kid" on the program. "We considered adoption, but I didn't really fit in with the family." 

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