IU Strikes a Pose ‘Like Hollywood Star’

Singer IU’s airport cute pose is becoming a hot issue online.

An online community board posted a photo of IU returning from Japan to Korea at the airport.

The photo posted shows IU wearing black round-framed sunglasses in a casual style in a chic atmosphere not trying too hard. Especially her long hair and posing with a ‘v’ sign at her chin is drawing laughter.

IU earlier left a message on her fan café the day before, “I need to sleep soon since I must leave early tomorrow, I need to be taken as pretty pictures. People kept mentioning my airport fashion to be simple so tomorrow I will be more stylish.”

Internet users who have seen the photo commented, “IU seems like a celebrity in her airport fashion,’ ‘IU is so cute,’ and ‘She kept her promise to dress up like a celebrity.’

Photo: Online Community

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