Carmelo Anthony To The Bulls? Melo To Chicago A Real Possibility; Bulls To Trade Noah, Amnesty Boozer To Get Max Player?

The rumblings about Carmelo Anthony were all about LA. The idea is that they need to stay in a big city to maintain their brand. Chicago is a big city in both market size and basketball skills, a combination that Melo might find too hard to resist.

The Chicago Bulls have signaled a complete rebuild. They already have a star in former MVP Derrick Rose, but they want another star of the same caliber. Perhaps its due to Derrick Rose's second injury, but the Bulls want insurance. They do not want to live and die with just Derrick Rose.

From ESPN, Chris Broussard made this declaration in his weekly insider report: "It's not unanimous, but most executives I spoke with think Chicago will go after Carmelo Anthony in free agency. Some are completely convinced of it. If the Bulls amnesty Carlos Boozer, they'll have the room to offer Melo the max."

Another NBA Insider confirms.  Chad Ford answered a question on what jersey Carmelo will be wearing next year. His response confirms that the Bulls have the intention: "Knicks. I know the Bulls will make a run. Maybe the Lakers. It would take a big market team to lure him away. Of the three, Bulls might be the best situation, but he'd have to play for Thibs and I don't know how well he would handle that. He bristled at D'Antoni at times. At the end of the day, most elite free agents stay. He's in the right market. His owner will spend money. The team will have major flexibility in the summer of 2015. I'm sticking with the Knicks."

After Carmelo's wife Lala Vazquez-Anthony has declared that she is not demanding a move to LA, Knicks Coach Mike Woodson would love to reinforce Chad Ford's observation. Speaking to ESPN NY Radio (transcription from Give Me Sport):  "I love it. I'm saying the same thing. I think he's going to stay. I want him to stay. I think New York fans, they need him here. These past three years, the way he's played, has been tremendous. If he ends his career here, I don't think he'll ever look back and say 'If I shoulda or coulda.' I just think Melo was built for New York. I hope he stays here as well."

The only way to force Melo to Chicago is if they can ensure a championship run-something the Knicks are unlikely to provide. If that rests on Derrick Rose's knees, then it is, sadly, on shaky ground.

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