The Wanted Break Up Gets Nasty! Max George Feuding With Siva Kaneswaran Over Band’s Split?

The Wanted's supposed temporary break up becomes nasty after Max George's tell-all interview with the Sun on Sunday starts a "feud" with band mate Siva Kaneswaran over the band's true reasons for the split.

In that interview, Max George said there was a "lot of tension" between the boys and "our personal lives drove us apart."

Clearly, Siva Kaneswaran didn't take kindly to those comments about The Wanted's break up as he told MailOnlinethat he was shocked with those statements.

"We all had a phone call and gave our personal thoughts on where we wanted to go and we released a statement. And the statement is what we all agreed on, so it was quite a shock to have that recent article come out from Max, for me and the fans because we found out at the same time," Siva Kaneswaran said.

"I wouldn't say he betrayed us but he didn't communicate enough with us. There was a major lack of communication. It was disappointing, that's all it was," he added.

In an attempt to explain his side, Max George took to Twitter, writing that his interview "was not in anyway dishonest."

"Hey everyone. Just to clear up completely so I don't have to go over it again... My interview about everything was not in anyway dishonest," he wrote.

"It was me telling you guys what had happened. Everything I said, the boys already knew. No lies to them or you. Why anyone would say they didn't have a clue, or try turn you guys on me for that matter, I have no idea. Well I do but we won't go there."

Although Max George admitted that the feud with Siva Kaneswaran could be due to miscommunication, "but in my eyes nothing has changed, my love for the boys."

He also hoped his explanation makes it clear to the fans and the other band members so they can start "being normal and having a laugh again" after The Wanted's break up.

"We're The Wanted... We don't do serious, remember! Onwards and upwards chaps... Who fancies a pint tonight?," Max George added.

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Max George
Siva Kaneswaran
