Upcoming Windows Phones 2014: Archos May Be Launching An WP Device Soon, Would Most Likely Fall Into The Affordable Smartphone Category

During the past year, we have seen Windows Phone handsets become more and more popular, thanks to Microsoft's continuous effort in expanding its own app store. And it looks like the promise it holds is already attracting big and small manufacturers alike in producing upcoming Windows Phones for 2014. One of these phone makers is Archos. 

Known as an Android ally, Archos has been producing tablets and handsets that often have very affordable pricetags. Ranging from $300 to $150, this price range has served the manufacturer well in selling its devices in the mass market. 

However, a recent report may have disclosed the brand's plans on making a Windows Phone-powered device. In an interview with Trusted Reviews, Archos CEO Loic Poirier mentioned that his company is already contemplating on developing such a device. 

"We will launch a Windows Phone handset when the time is right", he said, noting that the Microsoft-developed platform has become 'mature' enough to become a partner with Archos.

Unfortunately, the Archos chief executive did not disclose any further details aside from that. 

With the impending buyout of Nokia's mobile division by Microsoft, phone makers will certainly want to be on the forefront to bring more alternatives to WP fans. 

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