‘The Amazing Spider Man 2’ Super Bowl Trailer [VIDEO] Enemies Unite! Will Spider Man Rescue Gwen Stacy?

 'The Amazing Spider Man 2' Super Bowl trailers have been released. The explosive scenes have his enemies banding together and Gwen Stacy in a literal cliffhanger. Will the Web-slinger rescue her in time?

The ad was more exciting than the game itself, as Spider Man is seen in battle with Electro, a robotic Rhino and the Green Goblin/Hobgoblin. Harry Osborn hints that they may have busted Peter Parker's secret, and Electro warns that the hero must "pay the price."

The trailer leads us to more questions: Did they really find out about Peter Parker being Spider Man? Why did Oscorp have Peter under surveillance? Most important, what is the "price" that the hero must pay?

Director Marc Webb wanted Gwen Stacy to play a more active role in his vision of the Spider Man series. He did not want the character to simply be a 'damsel in distress.' She is thrust right into the danger zone when they had her working at Oscorp, where most of the villains would originate.

The Super Bowl is the biggest annual TV event in the USA (possibly the world) and the ads showcased in that date are probably as big as the game itself. Upcoming movies show their trailers on that coveted spot, tech companies unveil their latest products in the 3 hours that 100 million Americans stay absolutely glued to the TV set.

Sony Pictures wanted an enticing trailer, but did not want to give away too much. They obviously played with the popular idea that Gwen Stacy will die. The trailers seem to depict otherwise. However, Emma Stone went on air with Ryan Seacrest. The ominous response transcribed by Design and Trend: "Basically they're going to see the continuation of the Spider-Man story, which is the hero's journey. And he's up against a whole new squadron of villains and he's struggling with promises he's made in the last movie and the consequences of making those and what it's like to be in love with somebody who you promised to not see anymore. I think the intention the whole time has been to tell Gwen's story as closely to(sic) the comic as possible."

Gwen Stacy dies in the comics-Green Goblin throws her off a bridge. Both elements are in play in "The Amazing Spider Man 2." Release date on May 2, 2014. Watch the two-part trailer and the long 'sizzle' below.

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The Amazing Spider Man 2
Super Bowl trailer
