‘Ant Man' Movie Casting Rumors: Rashida Jones As Paul Rudd's Love Interest Persists; ‘Parks and Recreation’ Star To Play The Wasp?

The 'Ant-Man' Movie has found its title characters. The next step would be the villains and the love interest. Considering the Paul Rudd casting and Director Edgar Wright's comedic inclination, Rashida Jones was a logical choice.

Marvel has not done a good job in terms of secrecy and diversion. Most of the rumors were eventually confirmed. Rudd's name had been floated since October along with Joseph Gordon-Levitt. When "Don Jon" was linked to "Sandman," Marvel did not have a choice but to confirm the Rudd rumor. Same rumors held true with Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch.

That is not by any means a confirmation that this rumor floated by Superhero Movies News will be spot on: "The Wasp WON'T feature in Ant-Man, but Janet Van Dyne WILL. The source says, "Janet will be a love interest and a major supporting character, we would see multiple references to her future as The Wasp throughout the film." As if this wasn't enough, the source later told me WHO Marvel and Edgar Wright had in their eyes for the role. It seems that Parks & Recreation star Rashida Jones is on top of Marvel's shortlist for the role of 'Janet Van Dyne'. Rashida Jones is said to be Marvel's top pick for her "chemistry with the other actors." The source highlighted Paul Rudd and Parks & Recreation co-star, Chris Pratt. Paul Rudd and Rashida Jones have starred opposite each other in two films, those films being, I Love You Man & Our Idiot Brother."

A different movie news site, not confined to the Superhero genre, Flicks in the City, caught up with Paul Rudd. The video can be viewed in their Youtube channel. They asked him many questions, but the Ant-Man related queries were transcribed by Comic Book Movie.com.

On how it feels to be selected for the Ant Man role: "Well, it's all just kind of starting, so it's really cool. I'm very excited about it. I read some comics and [saw] some [Marvel] movies and I knew Edgar Wright for many years. The whole thing that it's actually happened, that I got the part is still kind of surreal. It's still sinking in over these last several months."

About Rashida Jones: "I follow what comes out online and even then I don't quite follow. I let those powers at be announce what they want to announce when they announce it. A lot of that stuff you hear is not true."

From the man who denied the Ant-Man rumors, Screenrant notes that he answered "with a grin." This is the opposite of most disclaimers: don't dismiss Rashida Jones in "Ant-Man" just yet. Why would you want to?  

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