‘The Amazing Spider Man 2’ Casting Rumors: BJ Novak Cast As Inventor Of The Spider Slayers! Director Confirms Another Villain In Spider Man Saga

‘The Amazing Spider Man 2’ gets another villain, this time the clues come from Twitter. Director Marc Webb himself tweeted comedian/author BJ Novak his character name.

Novak has already confirmed that he will be in the movie, but it was for an undetermined role. From The Huffington Post: “I’m in a couple of scenes. Yeah, I was never told whether or not I could say. I can say that I work at Oscorp. And I am someone from the comic books, someone from the original. So, yeah, I’m somebody. I wouldn’t say I’m pivotal, but I’m not an extra, either.”

Director Marc Webb saves all of us the trouble of speculating, although most comic book fans figured it out already. The revealing tweet by Marc Webb:

So who is “A.Smythe?” Ain’t it Cool News provides a heads up and an in-depth analysis: “A. Smythe is Alistair Smythe, son of Spencer, creator of the Spider-Slayer robots specifically designed to *ahem* slay Spider-Man. For those keeping count, the addition of Smythe brings the number of villains in ASM 2 up to five: Electro, Norman and Harry Osborn, Rhino, and now, Smythe, not to mention the already-built tech for Doc Ock and others we've seen in the trailers. My guess is his presence in this film will be more of a stepping stone for a larger part in 3, 4, or even the SINISTER SIX movie, but the notion of Spider-Slayers could very well pop of over the course of this second installment. Whatever ends up happening, we know for a fact (barring some ASM 1-style last-minute rejiggering) that B.J. Novak will be appearing as Alistair Smythe in the movie, and we can surmise that his character will be quite central in either this or a forthcoming installment.”

It was mentioned that many of the characters that are hinted in TASM 2 are placed for future development. They might play bit players or be placed in the background, but they will eventually emerge in the next Spider Man installments.

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