Bill Nye Debate Live With Ken Ham; Evolutionism Vs Creationism Face-Off In Creation Museum; 'Science Guy' Bravely Faces Christians On Home Turf!

Bill Nye, known to 90s babies as the Science Guy, engaged the founder of the Creation Museum, Ken Ham to debate which features evolutionism and creationism. The event was held right at the Christian's  turf, the Creation Museum. The moderator is Tom Foreman of CNN.

The event stemmed from an online argument after Bill Nye posted a video appealing to parents(transcribed by The Daily Mail): "I say to the grown-ups, if you want to deny evolution and live in your world, in your world that's completely inconsistent with everything we observe in the universe, that's fine. But don't make your kids do it, because we need them."

The Creation Museum is a massive $35 million facility that houses animatronic dinosaurs in the same era as humans, and other Genesis based creationism themes.

"The opening arguments as narrated in the word science has been hijacked, hijacked by secularists. America's textbooks have been indoctrinated by Darwin, and we need to take back the terms. He starts listing scientists who believe biblical creationism, and he's got a slide show to back it up. His voice races as he talks about Raymond Damadian, the inventor of the MRI machine, who is a biblical creationist. Nye just stares at him."

For the Science Guy: "Nye drops the first references to fossils and the Grand Canyon. The world is not 6000 years oldas Ham believes, Nye says. And if America doesn't get its act together to listen to scientific evidence, it won't stay ahead. America's future depends on evolution."

Some more highlights:

Ken Ham brought up his "Seven C's" of life: Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, Consummation.

 Traditional Fish sex was brought up by Bill Nye, to prove that.. "species that reproduce sexually have fewer parasites"

Ham disputes the aging methods used by scientists: "There's no dating method you can use that you can absolutely age date a rock," he concludes. Plus there's only one witness that was actually there, who can actually say the truth about what happened in the past: the Word of God."

Bill Nye admits to some mysteries as Time described him as "getting cornered by the Creationists." Some the mysteries are:
"How did the atoms that created the big bang get there? How did consciousness come from matter? "

Nye repeats his appeal that belief in creationism would curtail innovation, and result in America getting left behind.

In the end, there was no clear 'winner' in the debate. Evolutionism would say that it is a work in progress, so they cannot be condemned for not knowing the answers. Creationism would say that they have the answers, you just refuse to believe it. 

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