Lady Gaga Decline In Popularity Caused By Her Depression; ‘I Was Exhausted Fighting People Off,’ Admits ‘Applause’ Songstress

She might be famous and wealthy but it does not mean that Lady Gaga's decline is inevitable. In the latest Harper's Bazaar issue, readers will get a chance to see the vulnerable side of the 27-year-old hit maker as she talks about her battles with depression.

The 'Alejandro' songstress reveals that 2013 was a tough year for her mental and emotional state because of people who betrayed her and took advantage of her trust. Lady Gaga and Perez Hilton's feud can similarly be attributed to her distress.

"I became very depressed at the end of 2013. I was exhausted fighting people off. I couldn't even feel my own heartbeat. I was angry, cynical and had this deep sadness like an anchor dragging everywhere I go. I just didn't feel like fighting anymore. I didn't feel like standing up for myself one more time - to one more person who lied to me," she disclosed.

Lady Gaga's decline would have continued if not for the existence of her fans. She was inspired to stand up knowing that her fans would support her no matter what: "I said to myself, 'Whatever is left in there, even just one light molecule, you will find it and make it multiply. You have to for you. You have to for your music. You have to for your fans and your family.'"

While she acknowledges the grave consequences that come with depression, Lady Gaga was quick to realize how to avoid being trapped: "Depression doesn't take away your talents - it just makes them harder to find. But I always find it. I learned that my sadness never destroyed what was great about me. You just have to go back to that greatness, find that one little light that's left. I'm lucky I found one little glimmer stored away."

Harper's Bazaar Match issue will officially be released on February 18.

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Lady Gaga decline
