Xbox One Vs. PS4: Games List Destroys Sony? Microsoft Says Best Titles Of 2014 Are With Their Next-Generation Console

Xbox One UK marketing director Harvey Eagle recently stated that the biggest games of 2014 can only be played on the Xbox One, the Inquisitr reports.

"I'd say that Titanfall is a game that has won more than 80 awards so far. It's incredibly hotly anticipated, and I believe it's a game that people will buy an Xbox One in order to play," he said, according to the site.

"But moving forward, if you think about what I think are the three hottest games of the year to come - TitanfallWatch Dogs and Destiny - the only place you're going to be able to play all three of those games is on Xbox One."

Xbox One's highly-anticipated title Titanhall will take up approximately 20GB of space, leaving many gamers wondering if it will require too much memory for the next-generation console.

"Hard drive space is especially important for a game like Titanfall, designed to be played repeatedly, over a long period of time," writes.

"A single-player focused game like Knack or Ryse can be safely discarded once a player finishes the story mode, but in an ideal world a Titanfall fan should always be within a few clicks of blasting up some mechs."

Microsoft has announced that it will release a limited edition Titanfall Xbox One bundle when the game launches on March 11, reports.

"To celebrate the launch of Titanfall, we wanted to do something special," Xbox One executive Yusuf Mehdi said in the announcement, the site reports.

"For those of you who are already fans of Xbox One, we hope this will encourage more of your friends to join you on day one for Titanfall on Xbox One. If you've been waiting for the biggest game of the generation before purchasing your Xbox One, this special, limited time offer is perfect for you."

Titanfall beta testing video has been released and is rumored to offer competition against long-dominating Playstation 4 titles.

The first-person shooter will arrive in March for the Microsoft console.

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