2PM's Chansung Expresses Excitement for Japan Concert

Chansung of 2PM expressed his excitement for the Japan concert through a self-camera.

Chansung tweets on May 30, "Now I'm off to go prepare! I'll see you soon, those who are coming to the concert", along with a photo. Right after, he also posted "Junsu I'm off now!". Fans are able to sense his excitement through the tweets he posted in both Korean and Japanese.

In first photo, Chansung seems to be a bit nervous as he is sitting in a chair getting rest before the concert. On the other hand, he is wearing a panda hat in the second photo, now showing off his cute charm.

Those who saw the tweets commented "Good luck in Japan concert!", "Go melt them!", "Show them what Korean beast idols are like,” and "I want to watch it also.”

Photo: Chansung Twitter

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