Kangta Gives Pasta To Mail Delivery Man, "So Touching"

Singer Kangta's consideration shook the hearts of many fans.

On May 29, an online community posted a picture under 'I was really touched by Kangta's consideration.'

In the picture is pasta with parsley powder on top, and along with a message of thanks from Kangta to the mail delivery man on May 27.

The driver, who usually delivers Kangta's diet food, revealed that "I heard Kangta recently hosted a program that makes pasta. One morning I went to take his house to pick up his delivery bag but in the bag was pasta made by him."

The pasta came with a letter, and it was a way for Kangta to say thank you to the delivery man. He said, "The pasta was still hot when I got there, and the letter read 'This is pork Penne pasta that I made. It's not much, but make sure to heat it up and try it'. I've never even met him in person before... I was so touched."

He continued, "This was the first time something like this happened to me during the entire time I have worked as a delivery man, so I was really touched. He's such a warm person, and the pasta was really good. I'm thinking of preparing him a small gift next time as well."

Internet users who saw this commented, "Kangta, never fails to move hearts", "Was it really good?", "I want to try it too", and "He must have been so happy."

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