New Godzilla 2014 Trailer Alludes To Fukushima Nuclear Disaster And Tohoku Earthquake And Tsunami: Enter Contest To See The Premiere In London!

As the 2014 "Godzilla" movie looms closer, a new extended trailer shows some foreboding inspiration based on famous Japanese natural disaster events.

In the trailer below, we get a closer look at the storyline behind the 2014 "Godzilla" movie, where Bryan Cranston and Aaron Taylor-Johnson's characters are fueled to defeat the beast after losing their wife and mother, respectively.

In addition, the trailer also hints at several disasters occurring in Japan due to the rise of Godzilla, namely a tsunami and a nuclear power plant disaster.

As noted by several publications, they seem to allude to the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and the subsequent tsunami and Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster.

"The new 'Godzilla' begins with a nuclear disaster and a tsunami? Hollywood did what today's Japanese films can't," writes Japanese film critic Tomohiro Machiyama.

Meanwhile, fans now have the chance to enter a contest to see the 2014 "Godzilla" premiere in May in London!

As a part of the Godzilla Ultimate Fan contest, die-hard fans can submit a video proving what a big fan of Godzilla they are, and possibly win a trip to visit London for the European premiere of "Godzilla."

Sponsored by Nerdist, be sure to check out this video below and learn the rules of the contest:

Reportedly, the winner will also have a chance to meet and interview "Godzilla" director Gareth Edwards.

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